Fall/Winter Newsletter 2023

New Website Launch

Skamania PUD is excited to announce the launch of their redesigned website Skamania County PUD. The new format is much easier to navigate, is accessible for visually impaired individuals, and translates into many languages. The site is responsive to mobile devices making it simple to use at any time. Customers can quickly log in and review their energy and water usage, view their history, and pay their bills.

Working with website design firm Powerful Web, the PUD’s website team overhauled the old website by updating colors, fonts, overall design, and organization. The group studied the content our customers are seeking when they visit online. The main categories and the SmartHub log-in are featured at the top of the home page making it easy to find desired content and use. As a bonus, customers will enjoy the pictures of the beautiful Columbia River Gorge featured throughout.


Don’t forget, that SmartHub is the fastest and easiest way to let us know when your power goes out. You may & access SmarHub or download the app on your mobile device through the App Store (iPhone or iPad) or Google Play (Android devices) at no charge. When a severe winter storm knocks out power to many customers, our phone lines can quickly become overloaded. With SmartHub, you can avoid the wait and report outages with a few simple steps on your mobile device. The app allows you to submit comments and information that are important for dispatchers to know, such as the location of a downed tree. Please note, that if you are 1 of the initial customers reporting an outage, you may be prompted to check your breakers before submitting the outage. SmartHub also allows customers to securely access their account information, review bills and usage history, and make payments. It is also the easiest way to update your user profile and contact information.

Help Us Stay Connected with You

We strive to contact our customers when a planned power or water outage is scheduled. Please help us by keeping your contact phone number and e-mail “ R current. You can make your updates through the SmartHub app or by calling our office.

AMI Update

Skamania PUD is in the process of upgrading all meters on homes and businesses. The new advanced meters will deliver added benefits for customers including automatic outage detection, hourly usage reporting, eliminating estimates due to snow and ice, leak detection for our water customers, and customer alerts through SmartHub.

AMI water meters were installed throughout Carson and Underwood this last summer, and a pilot study of 160 electric meters was installed at key locations throughout the service area. The installation of the remaining electric meters is planned for this winter and spring.

Electric meter installation will be conducted by PUD employees and contractors from Pedal Valve. Prior to the installation of the new meter, the installer will do a door knock for the homeowner, though homeowners are not required to be home during the meter swap. Replacement of the meters will typically occur between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and only takes a few minutes, but does require the loss of power to the home. Although there is a brief interruption of electrical service during the exchange, the PUD aims to make the process as convenient as possible. It is important that our installers can physically access the meter on your property. To help facilitate installation, please trim any vegetation and remove obstacles near the current meter on or near your home or business. After installation, a door hanger noting the work being completed will be left by our installer.

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Planned Power Outages

Power interruptions are sometimes planned to allow line crews to safely conduct regular maintenance, improvements, and equipment replacement. BPA works with Skamania PUD to select a time with as minimal impact on our community as possible. In rare cases, BPA may have a short-notice planned outage, such as a public safety shutoff to follow emergency procedures in a wildfire event. In most cases, customers are provided advance notice, and Power interruptions are sometimes planned to allow line crews to safely conduct regular maintenance, improvements, and equipment replacement. BPA works with Skamania PUD to select a time with as minimal impact on our community as possible. In rare cases, BPA may have a short-notice planned outage, such as a public safety shutoff to follow emergency procedures in a wildfire event. In most cases, customers are provided advance notice with


We discourage customers from using social media to report an outage as information may be missed or not seen for an extended time. Please use the SmartHub app or call our office to report an issue.

Preparing for Winter

Try these effective ways to prevent your electric bill from getting out of hand this winter:

  • Lower your thermostat when you are sleeping or away from your home.
  • Set your fridge to 37 degrees and your freezer to 0 degrees. This will keep your food fresh, but your fridge and freezer won’t have to work as hard to operate.
  • Hot water is a big culprit of energy use. Cutting back on hot water usage in the shower, laundry, and dishwasher can make a difference.
  • Switch to LED lighting, install dimmer switches, and use smart power strips.
  • Unplug unused electronics and appliances. They may draw energy even when they are set to the “off” position.
  • Let the sun in during the day and close the drapes at night. Sunshine coming through the windows can help heat up a room. Opening and closing drapes strategically can help save energy.
  • Eliminate drafts from your doors and windows. Use a guard such as a weatherstrip or blanket to prevent unwanted heat loss.
  • Learn how to make your home more energy-efficient. Call (888) 883-9879 for a free home energy audit.

Skamania PUD works year-round to prepare for winter. Our crews maintain lines by trimming vegetation and falling trees. They train, stock supplies, and monitor the weather to get ready for storm season. Here are a few ways you can prepare, too, as we approach winter in the Gorge:

  • Stay informed: Sign up for Smarthub now so you can report and follow storm-related outages. Sign up for weather alerts through the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
  • Create a plan with your family. Know how you'll contact 1 another and reconnect if separated by a storm or other natural disaster.
  • Assemble basic items that would help you and your family get through an extended power outage. Consider the individual's specific needs. Remember the pets in your home.
  • Limit your time outside during extreme cold weather conditions. Learn the signs of and basic treatment for frostbite and hypothermia.
  • Avoid carbon dioxide poisoning. Only use generators and grills outdoors and away from windows.
  • Call the PUD if you have specific information about the location of a downed tree or if you see a power line on the ground. Stay far away from downed power lines. If itis a life-threatening situation or medical emergency, please call 911.
  • Build an emergency preparedness kit for your home and vehicle. Lists of recommended items to include and other ways to prepare for winter can be found on the Ready website.