Power Line Safety

Overhead Power Line Safety

  • Accidents involving contact with overhead power lines can damage equipment, cause serious injuries and even death.
  •  If your job or home improvements require you to work near overhead power lines — installing antennas, pruning trees or operating cranes, for example — make sure you exercise caution at all times and stay over 10 feet away from all overhead lines.
Reducing Wildfire Risks

Brochures for how to keep yourself safe:

Downed Lines – Call 911 First

Your safety is our first concern. If you see a downed power line:

  • Assume it is energized and keep yourself and others away
  • Call 911 immediately to report the location of the downed line then call the Public Utility District.

Downed and Dangerous Brochure (PDF)

During & After A Storm

Keep away from flooded areas and downed trees, these areas could be hiding an energized power line.

What To Do in the Event of an Outage

Check out the instructions on our Report Outage page for a detailed explanation.